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Kamchatka. Nalychevo Nature Park

Trakking tour to Nalychevo Nature Park *** In progress ***

"Nalychevo" is a natural park on the Kamchatka Peninsula, created in 1995, a cluster of the "Volcanoes of Kamchatka" natural park. The area of ​​the park is about 287 thousand hectares. The park is located in the valley of the Nalychevo River and is limited by the chain of volcanoes that frames it. The park has a large number of hot and cold mineral springs with healing properties. The flora and fauna of the park is very rich, many species of animals and plants are listed in the Red Book. On December 6, 1996, the natural

Nalychevo Natural Park was established on August 18, 1995 by the decree of the Governor of the Kamchatka Region V. A. Biryukov. The status of a natural park was assigned after a request from public organizations: "Gleb Travin Tourists and Travelers Club" and "Kamchatka Protection Fund". The appeal to the governor was also accompanied by 1,130 collected signatures of Kamchatka residents.

In the fall of 1995, a request was sent to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to include the park in the World Heritage List. After UNESCO experts inspected the park, a positive decision was made on December 6, 1996.

In 1998, a project was developed to develop the Nalychevo Park. During the implementation of this project, the central part of the park was significantly improved, in particular, the Vladimir Semenov Environmental Education Center was built. The park was mainly developed by the park management and volunteers.

On September 15, 1998, the presentation of the Nalychevo Park and the opening of the Museum of Nature and Local History took place.

Currently, the Nalychevo Nature Park is one of the specially protected areas of the Kamchatka Territory.


Films on youtube: Nature(14:42) :: Team (5:00) :: Team & Nature Slideshow (20:47)

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