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The EOS 5D WideAngle Test, and one...


On test are:

Canon EOS5D, ~€2.650 Demo, and

Canon EF14mmF2.8L USM, ~€1.750 Demo,

Canon EF15mmF2.8FishEye, ~€625 new,

Canon EF20mmF2.8 USM, ~€475 new,

Canon EF24mmF1.4L USM, ~€1.350 new,

Canon EF24mmF2.8, ~€350 new,

Canon EF28mmF1.8 USM, ~€475 new,

Canon EF35mmF2.0, ~€300 new,

Canon EF17mm-35mmF2.8L USM, ~€1.100 Demo,

Canon EF16mm-35mmF2.8L USM, ~€1.450 new,

Canon EF17mm-40mmF4.0L USM, ~€750 new,


Canon EF85mmF1.2L USM (I), ~€1.575 new.

All shots taken between 20:25 and 21:00, from the same cameraposition, camera on tripod, selftimer used, AV mode, apertures ranging from wide-open in full stops up to f./8, at ISO100, for the first shot I determined the EC to save the highlights as much as possible (minus 2.0) and held that for the entire shoot. The 3 zoomlenses were shot at their widest zoomsetting (16mm or 17mm) and at ~20mm and at ~24mm.

SingleShot AF used for every shot, focus on the goose's head/neck.

Shot RAW+JPGMediumFine, all originals available upon request (email in profile or PM) - mind the filesizes in your request! ;-))

Gallery shows RAW converted to JPG with PhaseOne CaptureOneLE v3.7.4, adjusted for highlights and shadows, white balance set with eyedropper on the gardentable. Then downsized and slightly sharpened for the new size, border with 'signaturemark' and info added automatically with BreezeBrowserPro's Proofing Tool.

The main purpose of this test: to show possible vignetting/lightloss in the corners, check for WA/perspective and colour distortions (CA) and to show the *real* wide angle the 5D is capable of.

For DoF's sake ;-)) I also added the EF85F1.2L (I) lens, shot at the same setting (EC minus2), also heavily underexposed, I 'saved' the shots in RAW conversion (EC plus 2.4...) to visualize the extra noise and slight banding that occurs if you become lazy and don't expose right ;-)).

I hope you enjoy and that this 'testshoot' is usefull to someone.

I would like to end with a big 'Thank You' to Messrs., who allowed me to do this 'testshoot' with his 'trade-inventory'.

My kindest regards,

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