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Margot W | profile | all galleries >> Misc (7 Galleries) >> London Drugs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

London Drugs

London Drugs is having a photo contest called Fresh Air and there are four catagories to enter as many photos as you like.
They are:
1-Sports and Leisure
3-Animals and Nature
if you want to see last years winners in each catagory go to...
and 2004 winners here....
This years prizes are:
Grand Prize--Pentax K-100Ddigital SLR 18-55 zoom
4 First Prizes--Nikon CoopPix P4 digital camera
4 Second Prizes--Bushnell Naturview waterproof 8 X 42 binoculars
4 Third Prizes--Panasonic SLSV590 CD Player with MP3
Please help me decide which photos to enter. I am having a hard time.
Looking back at the last two years winners gives you a hint of what the judges might want.But maybe they just need to see something different too.
You can view them easily by clicking on the 'Slideshow' at the top right of the page.
The contest closed on July 31st so now all I have to do is wait.