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Margot W | profile | all galleries >> My Outdoors (28 Galleries) >> Just Outside tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Just Outside

I fell in love with this image
It reminded me of one day years ago when I looked at my windshield of my '65 Impala. It looked as if Walt Disney had commissioned Tinker Bell to dance on it with frosty feet. I wasn't much into taking pictures then but it always stuck in my mind how beautiful it was.
I took two pictures of my back door window to substitute Jack Frost. Phony Bologna but the best I could find.
Now today I have a new inspiration from
and I wish to try some myself now that I am taking pictures.
I felt inspired by that truly wonderful image above by CIS (and hope it is alright to post the link) and went out to see if there were enough frost left to find something similar. Of course there was nothing but I had fun looking.