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Mattana | all galleries >> Images from England and Scotland >> Discovering England: Cornwall & Dartmoor > Wind swept tree on Dartmoor
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Wind swept tree on Dartmoor

Devon, England

Minolta DiMAGE A1
1/400s f/9.0 at 23.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ron Horloff29-Jul-2004 23:03
This looks like a Turner landscape. A great capture, beautifully done.

Fabienne01-Jul-2004 19:09
superbe photo.
Don Northup01-Jul-2004 04:47
Very good. thx
Michael Cempa01-Jul-2004 01:26
a great capture of a wonderful landscape.
DeMorcan01-Jul-2004 01:08
A wonderful tree on a road I would like to travel.
jude01-Jul-2004 00:45
Beautiful find! I bet you just gasped when you saw that around the curve. This is a great image.. love the composition and the colors are great
Gayle P. Clement30-Jun-2004 23:51
Lovely. The curve of the stone wall is a real treat.
Si Kirk30-Jun-2004 23:42
nice, the road looks familiar!
Herb 30-Jun-2004 23:35
Great image