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Mats K | profile | all galleries >> Iceland >> Sprengisandur road (F26) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sprengisandur road (F26)

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Godafoss I
Godafoss I
Sprengisandur I
Sprengisandur I
Sprengisandur II
Sprengisandur II
Mist on a straw
Mist on a straw
Sprengisandur III
Sprengisandur III
Sprengisandur IV
Sprengisandur IV
Sprengisandur V
Sprengisandur V
Small creek with moss on the shore
Small creek with moss on the shore
Fjordungsvatn I
Fjordungsvatn I
Fjordungsvatn II
Fjordungsvatn II
Fjordungsvatn III
Fjordungsvatn III
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