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Kjölur road (F35)

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Langjökul from Gullfoss I
Langjökul from Gullfoss I
Langjökul from Gullfoss II
Langjökul from Gullfoss II
Sheeps Sorrel & Sea Campion; Strandglim; Silene uniflora
Sheeps Sorrel & Sea Campion; Strandglim; Silene uniflora
Langjökul, Jarlhettur I
Langjökul, Jarlhettur I
Langjökul, Jarlhettur II
Langjökul, Jarlhettur II
Langjökul, Jarlhettur III
Langjökul, Jarlhettur III
Langjökul at Skålpanes
Langjökul at Skålpanes
Blafell at the horizon
Blafell at the horizon
Melting snow colourd by volcanic ash
Melting snow colourd by volcanic ash
Langjökul from Tangaver
Langjökul from Tangaver
Thrift & Moss campion
Thrift & Moss campion
Geldingafell from Tangaver
Geldingafell from Tangaver
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir I
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir I
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir II
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir II
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir III
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir III
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir IV
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir IV
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir V
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir V
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir VI
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir VI
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir VII
The hot sprigs at Hveraavellir VII
A mud spring
A mud spring
A steamer
A "steamer"
A steamer II
A "steamer" II
The calcium carbonate preciptates in nice layers
The calcium carbonate preciptates in nice layers
The photographer in a hot bath
The photographer in a hot bath
A creek with hot water leaving the area
A creek with hot water leaving the area
Traffic needs direction even on a small road
Traffic needs direction even on a small road
Blöndulón I
Blöndulón I
Blöndulón II
Blöndulón II
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