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mathilda williams | all galleries >> Galleries >> reflections > a whole 'nother world
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a whole 'nother world

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Simon Chandler16-Nov-2008 20:52
Fantastic reflection, very graphic. v
Roland26-Oct-2008 11:41
Love it!
Guest 14-Oct-2008 22:07
A classic window image and just perfect..v
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography14-Oct-2008 17:26
Very nice capture, fine reflections, V.
Sandi Whitteker14-Oct-2008 17:21
Wonderful arty shot. Love reflections in windows, and this one is really pretty.
Guest 14-Oct-2008 16:39
Good eye!
Carol Rollins14-Oct-2008 13:05
Excellent! Those Autumn reflections are super Mathilda. V
Mairéad14-Oct-2008 08:56
Beautiful - the rich autumnal colours of the reflection
are set off nicely by the cool white timbers. V
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