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Marshall Davis | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ringling Bros. Circus Clowns 1970's tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ringling Bros. Circus Clowns 1970's

A few pictures of clown friends from Ringling Bros. Circus, taken in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Md. in the early 70's
If you're interested in any of the pictures, contact me and I can clean them up and re-post them.
Otto Griebling backstage in Washington, D.C.
Otto Griebling backstage in Washington, D.C.
Otto working the crowd
Otto working the crowd
Lou Jacobs with Knucklehead in an elephant suit
Lou Jacobs with Knucklehead in an elephant suit
Lou Jacobs with Knucklehead
Lou Jacobs with Knucklehead
Lou Jacobs backstage
Lou Jacobs backstage
That calliope was very very loud!
That calliope was very very loud!
Lou Jacobs next to his trunk
Lou Jacobs next to his trunk
In a walkaround
In a walkaround
Danny (?) gets fed in Baltimore
Danny (?) gets fed in Baltimore
Bobby Kaye in clown alley
Bobby Kaye in clown alley