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John Markus | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 07-Nov-2007 01:58
It is good to see that you still have it! A joy to behold. Harold Mc
LJ 12-Aug-2006 22:20
Those where GREAT! I just got off work and wanted to relax what a great way to do that is going thru all the beautiful sunrise and sunset pictures. WONDERFUL!
Emma 14-Apr-2006 23:55
Nice site! | | | |
Ted milek 16-Dec-2005 00:01
John, neat website! More golf pics would be good.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Jun-2005 18:03
Excellent galleries. Great shots, good points of view, beautiful subjects. My compliments John :)
John Markus19-Mar-2005 15:09
Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate them. Most of the winter shots were done at Bass Hole (Gray´s Beach) in Yarmouth Port on the Cape. It is close to where <i live and one of my favorite spots. I saw your Rock Harbor shots and like them very much. I think you need to focus on keeping the horizon straight as they tend to lean. I use a grid screen on my camera to help me but <i still get it wrong and must use PS as an aid. Good luck.
Guest 15-Mar-2005 16:40
Hey John,
Great work! I love the sunset gallery. Can you tell me where the winter is brutal pic was taken?? I spend my summers in chatham and have a fascination with bridges like that...
here are some snaps I took on the cape at rock harbor, orleans.

enjoy and thanks for any info you can give..

Bryan 29-Jan-2005 22:36
As I said it in your Neveda gallery, yours is THE BEST gallery I have come across! Thank you for sharing your images, they are truely inspiring. God bless you John!
Guest 29-Jan-2005 22:35
As I said it in your Neveda gallery, yours is THE BEST gallery I have come across! Thank you for sharing your images, they are truely inspiring. God bless you John!
John Markus08-Jan-2005 22:46
Chris, thanks very much for your comments. I live on Cape Cod which is a photog's paradise. I travel a good deal so many of the sunset/sunrise shots are from those places that I have been fortunate enough to visit.

Guest 07-Jan-2005 08:59
Your sunrise sunset gallery is very inspiring. Where in the US are you located?
Harold 08-Dec-2004 23:02
I must say I am blown away by your talent. I had no idea you were so good! ...but then I should not be surprised. I look forward to viewing your new postings from time to time.
Harold in SC
John Markus01-Dec-2004 18:11
Thanks very much for all of your comments. I have looked at Smugmug myself as they seem to have a slightly different following.
David Putnam 01-Dec-2004 17:48
Great albums, John. This kind of site seems a good way to go. I just started posting at: It's so easy compared to preparing web pages, that I will probably shut down my old site at: Your posts are glorious.


Dusty 18-Nov-2004 00:03
Hi John,
Thanks for the invitation to look around. I'm in heaven just now - Maine, the Cape, seagulls (especially the one with the bad hair day, sunsets and Nova Scotia. George and I have taken oodles of pics and once again for some minutes, I was back there with him both of us oohing and aahing over the scenes around us. Thank you for my rememberances.

Alyce Clifford 06-Sep-2004 18:21
Loved your photographs of Moose Lake. Looked at all the other photos and enjoyed them as well.
Jill Odice 23-Jun-2004 19:30
Excellent photos John. Congrats on the new site, you are doing a great job. I look forward to seeing many more photos!
Best wishes, Jill
Amy 12-Jun-2004 00:46
John - Your pictures are absolutely amazing.
I am so envious. You are a wonderful photographer !!!
Diane Zaino 09-Jun-2004 23:50
Hi John,
Just want to say how beautiful your photo's are!!