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markkeller | all galleries >> Galleries >> birds > LK4S5276.jpg
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Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/1600s f/5.6 at 600.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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yellerbelly18-Jul-2009 06:53
Well captured - it's often the everyday birds that make the most interesting subjects!
tembapix20-Feb-2006 12:10
Wonderful shot - love the dof effect - makes him look like he's coming right at me!
Chris P.20-Feb-2006 04:57
Nice sharp shot of Mallard.
Bryan Murahashi20-Feb-2006 04:00
Very nice capture.
Peter Stahl20-Feb-2006 03:50
Beautiful capture. Well done Mark.
Peter Stahl20-Feb-2006 03:50
Beautiful capture. Well done Mark.
Tom Munson20-Feb-2006 03:30
Terrific image Mark.
Gayle P. Clement20-Feb-2006 02:39
Wonderful landing shot.