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Mark Ehlers | profile | all galleries >> Wild Mustangs - "Wings of Thunder" tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wild Mustangs - "Wings of Thunder"

Update on January 2, 2016: My cousin Roland (Rolly) Haeuser passed away on December 22, 2015. He is now with Jesus in paradise. I'll bet they are both riding horses together.
Love you so much, Rolly. Until we see each other again.
Your cousin,

All images are copyrighted.

Welcome to the gallery, "Wild Mustangs: Wings of Thunder".

These are photos of my cousin's wild mustangs. He has spent a lifetime raising horses. Now working with four wild boys, he slowly builds up their trust, applying his techniques in a gentle manner, so as not to break their wild spirit. To be in the presence of these beautiful, powerful creatures is truly an amazing experience!

(Click on each image to see full size)
I call them, "Wings of Thunder".
(Thank you, R.H.)
Wild P2084771.jpg P2084768.jpg
P2084769.jpg P2084765.jpg Who's the guy with the big eye?
P2084737a.jpg Friends P2084732a.jpg
P2084727a.jpg P2084726a.jpg Jake
Beau Jake