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Mark Elert | profile | all galleries >> 2017 a better year? >> Stockholm 2017 April 7 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Stockholm 2017 April 7

Today a hijacked truck ran through a pedestrian street in Stockholm killing 4 and injuring at least 15 people. In fear of further attacks trains, subways and busses were shut down. Many shops and restaurants closed down. But the people of Stockholm showed patience and stamina regardless of all troubles. On Sunday tens of thousands of Stockholmers went to Sergels torg and Drottninggatan for a manifestation to show solidarity with victims and their families, and also to show gratitude to the police who so quickly apprehended the attacker.
Flowered police van
Flowered police van
Showing gratitude
Showing gratitude
The square is filled
The square is filled
g10/89/72089/3/165265020.J4NVEbdz.jpg Heavy armed police
Heavy armed police
And horses
And horses
Police car completely covered by flowers
Police car completely covered by flowers
g10/89/72089/3/165265023.rI2dEff7.jpg g10/89/72089/3/165265025.Zlq5M4Dr.jpg g10/89/72089/3/165265026.w83XMG4j.jpg Flowered lion
Flowered lion
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g10/89/72089/3/165265035.3HBAyMyZ.jpg g10/89/72089/3/165265036.lucSSAC8.jpg g10/89/72089/3/165265037.3sTfyGjE.jpg Walking home
Walking home
A rest checking the news
A rest checking the news
Closed shops
Closed shops
even 24-hour McDonalds
even 24-hour McDonalds
Hopefully open tomorrow
Hopefully open tomorrow