Hi, Mark. Fascinating conversion of that old Lexmark into a direct-to-PCB printer. What I'm looking for is someone with such a facility to make one-off boards at a reasonable price. I don't need plated holes or silkscreening or even drilling, just the basic board that I can drill, eyelet and stuff. All the prototype shops offer pro-quality boards, but want $300 to $400 for five or so. I just want one 'utility grade' board in the $100 range. If you know of a source, please let me know. Thanks, woodjim41@yahoo.com
16-May-2009 08:43
hi mark
not sure if it's you, but i saw some nude photos on another site which i assume were taken by you
can you please contibute to my little online art mag?
i can just pull images from that site, to save you time, or you can mail five to six images to my mail, crazyartist100@gmail.com
i need a two or three line bio, bio pic and the images
if you have any other images it would be cool, but i'm looking for figure photography
what do you say?