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When I realized that it was the first anniversary of getting back into photography with a DSLR (back in about 2006), I decided to review my photos from the past year. Once I did that, I decided to post them somewhere. PBase has always been helpful in viewing samples of various pieces of equipment, so here I am.

It wasn't easy selecting from over 6,000 images (from over 10,000 shot), and I tried not to be too repettive. Of course, most of the pictures are of my kids, my main subjects.
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2014 Your First Mud Run
:: 2014 Your First Mud Run ::
Visit to Park with Jess
:: Visit to Park with Jess ::
Chloe's Middle School Graduation
:: Chloe's Middle School Graduation ::
Epiphany Auction 2014
:: Epiphany Auction 2014 ::
Camping on the Appalachian Trail
:: Camping on the Appalachian Trail ::
Epiphany School Auction 2013
:: Epiphany School Auction 2013 ::
Ocean City
:: Ocean City ::
Epiphany School Auction 2012
:: Epiphany School Auction 2012 ::
Christmas 2011
:: Christmas 2011 ::
2011 Vacation
:: 2011 Vacation ::
:: Peanut ::
Nakami Dojo Picnic
:: Nakami Dojo Picnic ::
:: Frank ::
American Girl 2010
:: American Girl 2010 ::
Virginia 2010
:: Virginia 2010 ::
Julie and Simon's
:: Julie and Simon's ::
:: Drops ::
Christmas 2009
:: Christmas 2009 ::
Lake George
:: Lake George ::
Connecticut Weekend
:: Connecticut Weekend ::
Delaware Water Gap
:: Delaware Water Gap ::
:: Pennsylvania ::
:: Dance ::
Christmas Strobist
:: Christmas Strobist ::
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