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marie-jose wolff | all galleries >> Galleries >> Strasbourg, ma ville, my town. > tramway
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24-NOV-2007 marie-josée wolff


Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/800s f/5.6 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
XiaoBernard9919-Feb-2010 16:47
Simple mais bien vu.Les ombres sont attirantes avec la fleur qui égaye le tout.V
zyziza01-Dec-2007 20:27
enfin - pourquoi pas? ;-)))
v pour Strasbourg!
Guest 01-Dec-2007 16:21
beautiful reflections and the flowers on the train, lovely.
veraferia01-Dec-2007 12:10
Lovely and interesting image!V
Ceya01-Dec-2007 12:06
Nice shot - a direct route to the moon?! Looks very "scifi"! V
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