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Alpi Apuane, Lucca, CinqueTerre

The National Tuscan-Emilian Apennines Park, covers 26,000 hectares from along the Tuscan Emilian Apennines among the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Massa Carrara and Lucca. This vast area includes some of the highest peaks of the Northern Apennines featuring rare botanical and animal species typical of high mountain areas. Within this mosaic of habitats, there is an extraordinarily wide range of biodiversity. The high altitude prairies surround the highest peaks, and a frequently characterized by many different types of plants, with endemic species of particular interest for conservationism, making this area full of natural botanical gardens (such as the glacial circle of Prado mountain, at 2,054 above sea level).

The Apennines, stretching from Liguria to Umbria, form Italy's spine and offer some of the country's best walking. Here, traditional villages cluster on the lower slopes of dramatic peaks rising to nearly 2,000 metres, and inviting paths lead up through thick, majestic woodland of beech, oak and chestnut to the high mountains.

Lucca is one of those Tuscan towns you should visit on your vacation in Italy.
Lucca is famous for its Renaissance-era city walls that have remained intact while so many other Tuscan towns saw theirs destroyed in past centuries. Lucca is located on a plain at the foot of the Apuan Alps and is less than half an hour from the Tuscan coast.

Lucca has one particularly stunning feature - ancient ramparts that ring the old city. The inhabitants built these brick walls in the 16th century for defense. Today, walk (or bike) around the city on the wide shaded walkways atop the walls. If that doesn't tire you out, climb up the Torre Guinigi - the 130 ft. tower has an ancient oak tree on top!

The Cinque Terre is a rugged portion of coast on the Italian Riviera. It is in the Liguria region of Italy, to the west of the city of La Spezia.
"The Five Lands" comprises five villages: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore. The coastline, the five villages, and the surrounding hillsides are all part of the Cinque Terre National Park and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Passo del Ceretto
Passo del Ceretto
Autunno in Appennino
Autunno in Appennino
lussureggiante foresta
lussureggiante foresta
Cima Belfiore
Cima Belfiore
Alpi Apuane
Alpi Apuane
una foresta impenetrabile
una foresta impenetrabile
colori autunnali
colori autunnali
Casa Turchetti
Casa Turchetti
un boschetto in autunno
un boschetto in autunno
le foglie sono rame e oro
le foglie sono rame e oro
la montagna boscosa
la montagna boscosa
fitti boschi
fitti boschi
mio caro marito
mio caro marito
leafy woods
leafy woods
Lucca, Cathedral San Martino
Lucca, Cathedral San Martino
 by Alessandro Allori, 1598
by Alessandro Allori, 1598
Chiesa San Martino
Chiesa San Martino
Ultima cena
Ultima cena
under the shade of plane trees
under the shade of plane trees
Ciclismo a Lucca
Ciclismo a Lucca
un ciclista en Lucca
un ciclista en Lucca
piazza anfiteatro
piazza anfiteatro
biciclette e Pinocchio
biciclette e Pinocchio
balconies of Lucca
balconies of Lucca
una piccola piazza a Lucca
una piccola piazza a Lucca
made in Italy
made in Italy
San Michele in Foro
San Michele in Foro
chestnut forest
chestnut forest
un bosco di castagni
un bosco di castagni
a chestnut forest
a chestnut forest
a baby snail on the chestnut leave
a baby snail on the chestnut leave
une forêt de chataignier
une forêt de chataignier
 bellissimi boschi di castagna
bellissimi boschi di castagna
Vagli Sotto
Vagli Sotto
gabbiano e piccione
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the painter
the painter
Riomaggiore # 2
Riomaggiore # 2
a cliffside Village
a cliffside Village
l'ulivo e la vite
l'ulivo e la vite
stormy Manarolla
stormy Manarolla
le vent se lève
le vent se lève
stormy Manarolla
stormy Manarolla
the vines
the vines
i balconi di Manarola
i balconi di Manarola
la passeggiata
la passeggiata
colorful Manarola
colorful Manarola
tempestoso Manarola
tempestoso Manarola
La Spezia
La Spezia
balcony in La Spezia
balcony in La Spezia
la Spezia after the rain
la Spezia after the rain
La Spezia by night
La Spezia by night
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tempesta in Portovenere
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le strade di Portovenere
le strade di Portovenere