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Marichu Pereira | profile | all galleries >> Sojourn, My Travel >> Stanford University, California tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Stanford University, California

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"If the Ivy League was the breeding ground for the elites of the American Century, Stanford is the farm system for Silicon Valley. - Ken Auletta
I was blessed l got the opportunity to work at Stanford Hospital from 2002-2011...a visit to the heart and oldest part of Stanfo
I was blessed l got the opportunity to work at Stanford Hospital from 2002-2011...a visit to the heart and oldest part of Stanfo
Taken from Hoover Tower where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Stanford University campus.
Taken from Hoover Tower where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Stanford University campus.
Taken from Hoover Tower where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Stanford University campus and the surrounding bay area.
Taken from Hoover Tower where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Stanford University campus and the surrounding bay area.
Inside Stanford University Chapel
Inside Stanford University Chapel
A Scene at Stanford Quad
A Scene at Stanford Quad
Bicycle is a MUST at Stanford University
Bicycle is a MUST at Stanford University