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Marichu Pereira | profile | all galleries >> Sojourn, My Travel >> St. Louis, Missouri tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

St. Louis, Missouri

All images and text are protected under United States and International copyright laws. The photographs on this website may NOT be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored or manipulated in any manner or form whatsoever without the prior written permission of MARICHU PEREIRA.

"The first time I ever saw St. Louis, I could have bought it for six million dollars, and it was the mistake of my life that I did not do it." ~ Mark Twain in Life on the Mississippi
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Railroad After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
Railroad After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
Trees After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
Trees After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
Turkish Pavilion After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
Turkish Pavilion After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
Railroad After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
Railroad After The Ice Storm, Jan2017
Girls in the Wild, Jan2017
Girls in the Wild, Jan2017
Japanese Garden,  Jan2017
Japanese Garden, Jan2017
Japanese Garden,  Jan2017
Japanese Garden, Jan2017
Ice Storm Day, Jan2017
Ice Storm Day, Jan2017
The Arch and the Fall, St. Louis Gateway Arch Park
The Arch and the Fall, St. Louis Gateway Arch Park
Waterfall, Jan2017
Waterfall, Jan2017
Ice Storm Day, Jan2017
Ice Storm Day, Jan2017
Me in Conservation Area, Jan2017
Me in Conservation Area, Jan2017
Gelato Place, Jan2017
Gelato Place, Jan2017
Waterfall, Jan2017
Waterfall, Jan2017
The Owl, St. Louis Zoo
The Owl, St. Louis Zoo
Elephant with Pumpkin,  St. Louis Zoo
Elephant with Pumpkin, St. Louis Zoo
It's Pumpkin Season,  St. Louis Zoo
It's Pumpkin Season, St. Louis Zoo
Waiting for the Train, St. Louis Zoo
Waiting for the Train, St. Louis Zoo
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