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Marichu Pereira | profile | all galleries >> Sojourn, My Travel >> Lake Elizabeth, Fremont California tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lake Elizabeth, Fremont California

All images and text are protected under United States and International copyright laws. The photographs on this website may NOT be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored or manipulated in any manner or form whatsoever without the prior written permission of MARICHU PEREIRA-CORSO.

"The lake and the mountains have become my landscape, my real world." ~ Georges Simenon
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g10/58/844158/3/165178046.eGRaSMAi.jpg my friends Hiro and Jessica
my friends Hiro and Jessica
g10/58/844158/3/165178041.dji1aK23.jpg my friends Hiro and Jessica
my friends Hiro and Jessica
my friends Hiro and Jessica
my friends Hiro and Jessica
my friend Jessica
my friend Jessica