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Marichu Pereira | profile | all galleries >> Sojourn, My Travel >> mexico >> el_muchacho tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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"Beauty is before me, beauty is behind me, beauty is below me, beauty is above me. I walk in beauty." - Navajo poem
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“El Muchacho”
“El Muchacho”
“Cielo Muchacho”
“Cielo Muchacho”
“Towering Palms”
“Towering Palms”
“Orange Hasp”, 3rd place 10/19/09 LVCC 10/19/09 LVCC Pictorial Projected Images - Basic
“Orange Hasp”, 3rd place 10/19/09 LVCC 10/19/09 LVCC Pictorial Projected Images - Basic
“Yucca Shadows”
“Yucca Shadows”
“Shadow and Crack”
“Shadow and Crack”
“Green Tower ”
“Green Tower ”
“Native Blanket”
“Native Blanket”
“La Cruz del Conquistador”
“La Cruz del Conquistador”
“Palm Sweats”
“Palm Sweats”
“Fan Palm”
“Fan Palm”
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