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Maria Tkatchenko | profile | all galleries >> Travel and the outdoors >> Europe >> Spain tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


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A building designed by Gaudi, in Barcelona
A building designed by Gaudi, in Barcelona
On a beach in Valencia... wish I could stay there forever!
On a beach in Valencia... wish I could stay there forever!
View from our room in Valencia
View from our room in Valencia
I'm a spanish pricess, waiting for my knight to ride up underneath the window of my fortress, and rescue me!
I'm a spanish pricess, waiting for my knight to ride up underneath the window of my fortress, and rescue me!
One of the central squares in Valencia
One of the central squares in Valencia
Atocha train station in Madrid
Atocha train station in Madrid
Castle in some little town north of Madrid
Castle in some little town north of Madrid
Wandering the hills of central Spain
Wandering the hills of central Spain
Off we go into the distance
Off we go into the distance
Small chapel in the middle of nowhere
Small chapel in the middle of nowhere
Doves in Cordoba, Spain
Doves in Cordoba, Spain
Who needs a doorbell when you have a knocker like that?
Who needs a doorbell when you have a knocker like that?
Water sure is muddy in southern Spain
Water sure is muddy in southern Spain
I don't think this waterwheel works anymore
I don't think this waterwheel works anymore
Outside hte Mezquita in Corboba
Outside hte Mezquita in Corboba
Inside the courtyard of the Mezquita
Inside the courtyard of the Mezquita
Another view of the courtyard
Another view of the courtyard
I love the colourful southern architecture, though
I love the colourful southern architecture, though
Yikes. Wouldn't want him for a house-pet!
Yikes. Wouldn't want him for a house-pet!
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