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Maria Tkatchenko | profile | all galleries >> Travel and the outdoors >> Canada >> Camping at Garibaldi and Black Tusk tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Camping at Garibaldi and Black Tusk

In August 2003, Lindi, Ryan and I, and a whole bunch of other people, hiked up to Garibaldi Lake. After that, the three of us continued through past black tusk and out past Cheakamus Lake on another two-day hike.
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Gorgeous clear morning
Gorgeous clear morning
Ryan, Lindi and me off on our trek
Ryan, Lindi and me off on our trek
We covered the left part of the map on the hike in... and now for the rest of the trail!
We covered the left part of the map on the hike in... and now for the rest of the trail!
Towards Black Tusk
Towards Black Tusk
Alpine meadows
Alpine meadows
The alpine in full bloom
The alpine in full bloom
Footbridge across a little stream
Footbridge across a little stream
View towards the Tantalus range
View towards the Tantalus range
Mountain stream
Mountain stream
Mini-log jam
Mini-log jam
Melting snow
Melting snow
Black Tusk
Black Tusk
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