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Marisa Livet | profile | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> My Roots >> Family tree from my mother's side tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Family tree from my father's side | Family tree from my mother's side

Family tree from my mother's side

This is the first photo- gallery I have posted on PBase.
It was December 2003.

Someone had created an account for me already in 2002.
At that time PBase was totally free, but I had used it only to exchange some family snapshots with distant friends, without posting anything publicly.
Therefore this display of old photos of my great-grandparents, grandparents and parents marked rightly the beginning of my experiences on PBase.

Many things have changed since then and my photographic skills have maybe evolved a little too.
I have deleted most of my old photos, which had composed my first galleries as well, but I have kept all this series dedicated to my family origins.
Every now and then, when my mother finds an old photo forgotten in the bottom of a cardboard box or a drawer and gives it to me, I might add it.

We are all made of our past.

My great-grandmother Aloysia Merkle (1910 prob.)
My great-grandmother Aloysia Merkle (1910 prob.)
Anton Koska
Anton Koska
My other great-grandmother Angela  Belloni
My other great-grandmother Angela Belloni
 Bruna 1923
Bruna 1923
 Little Bruna 1923
Little Bruna 1923
Little Bruna and the Luna Park workers
Little Bruna and the Luna Park workers
Beutiful swimmers 1924
Beutiful swimmers 1924
My mother - 1925
My mother - 1925
Little Bruna in the middle - 1925 -
Little Bruna in the middle - 1925 -
My mother as little Cinderella - 1926 -
My mother as little Cinderella - 1926 -
 Koska sisters
Koska sisters
Pompei (Southern Italy) - 1928 -
Pompei (Southern Italy) - 1928 -
At the seaside -1930 -
At the seaside -1930 -
My Grandmother Carolina Belloni - 1934 -
My Grandmother Carolina Belloni - 1934 -
My mother -1935
My mother -1935
My grandparents in Venice - 1938 -
My grandparents in Venice - 1938 -
Young fiancée
Young fiancée
My Grandfather and his son-in-law - 1950 -
My Grandfather and his son-in-law - 1950 -
Wedding day - September 1946
Wedding day - September 1946