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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Elsewhere - Countries and Towns I have liked >> France through my eyes >> Paris - Nantes - Paris (Carnet de Voyage 2007) > Amsterdam in Paris ????
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07-JUN-2007 Marisa

Amsterdam in Paris ????

Le Canal St. Martin - Paris (France)

A feeling of out of time, confused memories of old French movies of the 50’s,
the tired shores of the only canal of Paris, with its dusty charm of 19th century….
I walk over the side of St. Martin canal. It’s stormy, the air is sultry.
The lock gates get open to let a big boat go through.
The swing bridge does its job too.
From the iron footbridges someone takes photos, someone waves…

Canon EOS 350D
1/125s f/8.0 at 44.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ann Cleeves06-Jul-2007 21:21
Super composition
DENZA19-Jun-2007 03:40
You are very popular on pbase. I can see why. Cool shot, and nice comentary.
silvia marmori19-Jun-2007 03:20
your notes, enhance even more the feeling at this beautiful image...
Guest 18-Jun-2007 19:08
Wonderful story-line and capture..v
Paco López18-Jun-2007 17:49
Good shot!!! V!