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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Common people >> Life is the art of encounter > Flamenco
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18-MAR-2005 Marisa


Canon PowerShot S60
1/1000s f/3.2 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
settler03-Nov-2014 17:47
So excellent ..BV!
Bogdan Szadowski09-Mar-2010 19:47
Fantastic! My favourite in this gallery. V
Karen Mickleson27-Jul-2007 00:48
Where in the world did you *find* this? It's amazing. Did you just stumble upon him or is he a helpful friend ? ;^)
Bernd Koenemann05-Jun-2007 06:52
Very beautiful and lively composition.
Guest 30-Jan-2006 20:16
Fantastic shot!
Kal Khogali29-Jan-2006 14:56
I had not seen this before..A great image, full of passion and motion. The compostion is step either way and you would lose him. K
suse05-Aug-2005 12:20
Great shot. The colours and treatment are wonderful.