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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> My lake Léman > Takeoff...
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25-JAN-2009 Marisa


Lake Léman - Vaud (Switzerland)

This photo is not alone, but it's part of a series dedicated to my beloved lake.
You might click on this small boat to take a tour.

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Canon PowerShot SD950 IS
1/1250s f/4.5 at 19.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Máire Uí Mhaicín31-Jan-2009 23:03
I wonder what disturbed them? Very good capture of their concerted take off. I'm sure there were birdsounds as well!
monil27-Jan-2009 02:32
Une bel envolée et il y a aussi les différente nuances et textures de bleues.
waterfalls man27-Jan-2009 00:22
Great Capture V
PauloCGama26-Jan-2009 22:40
I kept myself admiring this image for a long time, Marisa.
Love the moment, the taking off moment is fantastic, like if they were been chased by some predator.

The water splashing is spectacular!! :)
huge v
Claude Martin26-Jan-2009 21:54
Superbe bleu qui se rempli de clapotis et se déchire pour se transformer en nuage bruyant de battements d'ailes s'éloignant rapidement..... V
Lamar Nix26-Jan-2009 18:46
Image conveys well the sound and fury of the flock's mass take -off. V