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Marisa Livet | profile | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Bicycles blues tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bicycles blues

"Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you must keep moving".
(Albert Einstein)

Waterproof bicycle...
Waterproof bicycle...
Bikes First Aid mobile station
Bikes First Aid mobile station
Spring bicycle...
Spring bicycle...
The detective's bicycle...
The detective's bicycle...
The Goddess Bike....
The Goddess Bike....
Girlish bike...
Girlish bike...
Fruit of the clandestine love between a bike and a deckchair
Fruit of the clandestine love between a bike and a deckchair
Even bicycles get the blues
Even bicycles get the blues
Exhausted bicycles
Exhausted bicycles
Mr. Puccini's bicycle
Mr. Puccini's bicycle
The depressed bike, which tried to commit suicide....
The depressed bike, which tried to commit suicide....
The literate bike
The literate bike
Motherly bike...
Motherly bike...
The bicycle  which should have paid more attention to street signs...
The bicycle which should have paid more attention to street signs...
The bicycle which had a personal body-guard...
The bicycle which had a personal body-guard...
Cats have not any liking for tandems...
Cats have not any liking for tandems...
Members of the secret bicycles society gather in a hidden courtyard...
Members of the secret bicycles society gather in a hidden courtyard...
The bicycle which went on pilgrimage...
The bicycle which went on pilgrimage...
Little bikes have not the permission to go to play downstairs, they have to play on the balcony only...
Little bikes have not the permission to go to play downstairs, they have to play on the balcony only...
Suburban bikes are tough
Suburban bikes are tough
The bicycle , which felt very sorry for not being all multicoloured….
The bicycle , which felt very sorry for not being all multicoloured….
The prisoner's blues
The prisoner's blues
The bicycle , which had an accident, is going to be  cured...
The bicycle , which had an accident, is going to be cured...
If you want to throw away your old bike...get at least a bigger garbage bag!
If you want to throw away your old bike...get at least a bigger garbage bag!
Example of very efficient anti-theft device
Example of very efficient anti-theft device
The very shy bicycle
The very shy bicycle
There are special parking lots, suitable for flying bycicles...
There are special parking lots, suitable for flying bycicles...
Bicycles adore winter sun...
Bicycles adore winter sun...
Diogenes' bicycle???
Diogenes' bicycle???
Mr. Rubik's bike
Mr. Rubik's bike
When it snows wise bikes wear a scarf
When it snows wise bikes wear a scarf
Also witches like bikes...
Also witches like bikes...
Little bikes are not allowed to climb upstairs...
Little bikes are not allowed to climb upstairs...
Imprisoned flowers & free bicycle
Imprisoned flowers & free bicycle
The bicycle which liked icre-cream, but could not choose...
The bicycle which liked icre-cream, but could not choose...
The garden of growing bicycles
The garden of growing bicycles
The bike which loved ombres chinoises
The bike which loved "ombres chinoises"
A passionate love affair between Lucca and  bicycles
A passionate love affair between Lucca and bicycles
Winter bike 2
Winter bike 2
Slave bicycle
Slave bicycle
The bicycle who spoke with sweet Austrian accent...
The bicycle who spoke with sweet Austrian accent...
Winter bike 1
Winter bike 1
The street where bicycles live.
The street where bicycles live.
Crying bike
Crying bike
The bicycle which needed a scarecrow
The bicycle which needed a scarecrow
Passionate bicycle
Passionate bicycle
Bicycles make love and have babies too.
Bicycles make love and have babies too.
Shivering bicycle
Shivering bicycle
Fainting bike...ooooops
Fainting bike...ooooops
The bike which felt very classic
The bike which felt very classic
Let's make friends!!!!!
Let's make friends!!!!!
The bike which loved children
The bike which loved children
Sophisticated scooter
Sophisticated scooter
X Bike
X Bike
Parading on the platform
Parading on the platform
When a bike thinks pink
When a bike thinks pink
The green grocer's bicycle
The green grocer's bicycle
Zorro rides a bicycle, not a horse!
Zorro rides a bicycle, not a horse!
The Breton  gourmet's bike
The Breton gourmet's bike
Both tired
Both tired
Siamese twins bikes
Siamese twins bikes
The bikes serial killer
The bikes serial killer
Surrealistic Bicycle
Surrealistic Bicycle
Corpus delicti
"Corpus delicti"
Hearse for drowned bikes
Hearse for drowned bikes
Silence is golden
Silence is golden
Crowded abstraction of bicycles
Crowded abstraction of bicycles
The rear passenger
The rear passenger
The anarchist's bike
The anarchist's bike
The tagger's bike
The tagger's bike
Submarines vestiges of  urban life
Submarines vestiges of urban life
A girl and her blue bike
A girl and her blue bike