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Dave Williams11-Oct-2023 08:59
Some excellent images from a really extensive travel album. I need hours to look through all of them!
L Kotrosa 21-Nov-2022 16:36
Hello Mr. Valentini. I am interested in using one of your Bustard photos in a high school curriculum book, as we study the story of The Alhambra by Washington Irving. I am at
Miles Constable 12-Oct-2022 21:07
Hello Mr Valentini
I am interested in using your image of the Northern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys borealis) for a user guide to our local provincial park. Please let me know if there is a price.
Ingrid Visser 24-Aug-2022 04:59
Hello Mr Valentini, could you pleae contact me about your orca photos from the Galapagos, with thanks, Ingrid Visser ( (
Guest 02-Jun-2021 11:08
Hi Marco

Thank you for your email. My reply wouldn't send to you, I don't know why.

These are the birds I’m looking for photographs of:

Barbary Falcon Falco pelegrinoides
Corncrake Crex crex
Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus
Eurasian Eagle Owl Bubo bubo
Dunn’s Lark Eremalauda dunni

We would like them to come from the Middle East region.

They will be reproduced in our book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Birds of Egypt and the Middle East.

Please let me know if you have any of these species.

Best wishes
Rosemary Wilkinson 21-May-2021 11:56
Dear Marco Valentini, I am interested in using some of your photos in our forthcoming publication 'Birds of the Middle East'. Could you contact me on:
Best wishes, Rosemary
ram21-Apr-2020 06:22
movies is here
movies is here
movies is here
Ellen02-Oct-2019 15:13
Hello! May we have your permission to use this photo on We are a nonprofit dedicated to the conservation of birds through education and outreach.

Thanks for your consideration.
Ellen Blackstone, BirdNote