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Marc Demoulin | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Aren't they wonderful? tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Aren't they wonderful?


Children will be our best memory of Mali.
They are always running to meet us when we enter a village...sometimes, we see two or three of them in the desert...they seem to come from nowhere.
Always keen to play with the camera for nothing...sometimes I had to stop
shooting otherwise there's no end to the game...
We didn’t come back unchanged from Mali and I trust you’ll see why in those deep brown eyes.
The photos will be sent to our guide, Ambigou, and I hope he will be able to find them all in the villages we’ve been and give them the pictures.
Closed gallery.
Many thanks for having put the Children of Mali at the top of popular galleries.
May 2009.
Press F11 for full screen vision.


Aren't they wonderful? 1
Aren't they wonderful? 1
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Aren't they wonderful? 2
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Aren't they wonderful? 12
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Aren't they wonderful? 13
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Aren't they wonderful? 14
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Aren't they wonderful? 15
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Aren't they wonderful? 17
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Aren't they wonderful? 18
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Aren't they wonderful? 19
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Aren't they wonderful? 20
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Aren't they wonderful? 22
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Aren't they wonderful? 24
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Aren't they wonderful? 25
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Aren't they wonderful? 38
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Aren't they wonderful? 39
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Aren't they wonderful? 40
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