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St. Croix River

The St. Croix River is a tributary of the Mississippi River, approximately 164 miles (264 km) long, in the U.S. states of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The river is a National Scenic Riverway under the protection of the National Park Service.

These images are taken within the Minnesota Interstate Park. Interstate Park is located within the Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway and the Ice Age National Scientific Reserve. The western terminus of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail is on the Wisconsin side.
St. Croix River
St. Croix River
St. Croix River
St. Croix River
St. Croix River
St. Croix River
hiking the River Trail
hiking the River Trail
Interstate State Park canoe rental
Interstate State Park canoe rental
St. Croix River
St. Croix River
Taylors Falls Princess
Taylors Falls Princess