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Douglas Houck | profile | all galleries >> fauna >> Avialans >> Birds of the Bath tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds of the Bath

Birds like to bath and drink.

These were taken through a window from a birdbath near Augusta, GA.
Northern Mockingbird
:: Northern Mockingbird ::
Blue Jay
:: Blue Jay ::
Brown Thrasher
:: Brown Thrasher ::
Northern Cardinal
:: Northern Cardinal ::
Eastern Towhee
:: Eastern Towhee ::
Carolina Wren
:: Carolina Wren ::
:: House_Finch ::
White-throated Sparrow
:: White-throated Sparrow ::
Yellow-throated Warbler
:: Yellow-throated Warbler ::
Black-throated Blue Warbler
:: Black-throated Blue Warbler ::
Tufted Titmouse
:: Tufted Titmouse ::
Carolina Chickadee
:: Carolina Chickadee ::
Eastern Bluebird
:: Eastern Bluebird ::
Indigo Bunting
:: Indigo Bunting ::
American Goldfinch
:: American Goldfinch ::
Gray Catbird
Gray Catbird
Whose turn is it?
Whose turn is it?