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Black River Falls

The Black River Scenic Byway is located in the western corner of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Dedicated in 1992 as a National Forest Scenic Byway, it starts just north of Bessemer Michigan and ends at the Black River Harbor in the Ottawa National Forest, following the Black River on its way towards Lake Superior.

Along the way it passes five main waterfalls, as well as some minor ones. The five main waterfalls are all located on the last three miles of the river before it reaches Lake Superior.


Upper Michigan/Wisconsin is experiencing a severe to extreme drought. The Black River was 1/3rd of normal flow.

Black River geology
Black River geology
Potawantomi Falls
Potawantomi Falls
Gorge Falls
Gorge Falls
Gorge Falls
Gorge Falls
downstream of Gorge Falls
downstream of Gorge Falls
Rainbow Falls (before the plunge)
Rainbow Falls (before the plunge)
Rainbow Falls (upper portion)
Rainbow Falls (upper portion)
Rainbow Falls (lower portion)
Rainbow Falls (lower portion)
Lake Superior
Lake Superior