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02-MAY-2006 Manfred Bachmann


Nikon D2h ,Nikkor 200mm f/2G IF-ED AF-S VR
1/320s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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shatterbug08-May-2006 03:47
:-) Makes a bold fashion statement! Great candid! V.
caveman_lee07-May-2006 14:52
Very attractive cloth ! nice candid.
Hans Novak06-May-2006 20:41
SPITZE ! lG Hans
BAS Photography06-May-2006 17:16
You are the Master! You love so much what you do and you put so much passion in your candid shots that the result are simple stunning! GMV!
Guest 06-May-2006 12:19
The three times I was in Vienna, I did not see any babe like those you show us.
I think all of them stayed home...I only spotted Nicki Lauda !
Jola Dziubinska06-May-2006 11:06
Very fancy clothes, pretty girl, wonderful shot.
Jim Ross06-May-2006 10:29
Good capture... You are the master at these shots...
Guest 06-May-2006 10:28
a very fashionable austrian. :)