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Lumiere Durham

Originally planned as a one-off, it has since grown into the UK’s largest light festival.
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'1.26 Durham' by Janet Echelman
'1.26 Durham' by Janet Echelman
Fool's Paradise
Fool's Paradise
'Les Lumineoles' by Porté par le vent®
'Les Lumineoles' by Porté par le vent®
'Fogscape #03238' by Fujiko Nakaya and Simon Corder
'Fogscape #03238' by Fujiko Nakaya and Simon Corder
'Fogscape #03238' by Fujiko Nakaya and Simon Corder
'Fogscape #03238' by Fujiko Nakaya and Simon Corder
'The Red House' by Patrice Warrener
'The Red House' by Patrice Warrener
'Garden Of Light' by TILT
'Garden Of Light' by TILT
'Garden Of Light' by TILT
'Garden Of Light' by TILT
'Garden Of Light' by TILT
'Garden Of Light' by TILT
'Rainbow River' by Alison Lowery & Richard Hornby
'Rainbow River' by Alison Lowery & Richard Hornby
g9/95/1146795/3/162230407.CNCsKnpn.jpg Fish in a 'Phone Box
Fish in a 'Phone Box
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