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Flowers and Foliage

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Hellebore - Howick Garden, Northumberland
Hellebore - Howick Garden, Northumberland
Swallowtail Butterfly on Bougainvillea
Swallowtail Butterfly on Bougainvillea
Seed Heads in Sunlight
Seed Heads in Sunlight
Dried Flowers
Dried Flowers
Bluebells - The Great High Wood
Bluebells - The Great High Wood
Bluebells and Moss
Bluebells and Moss
Bluebells and Barbed Wire
Bluebells and Barbed Wire
Bluebells and Stitchwort
Bluebells and Stitchwort
Peacock Butterfly and Bluebells
Peacock Butterfly and Bluebells
Wood Anenome
Wood Anenome
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