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Máire Uí Mhaicín | all galleries >> 2007-2009 >> 2009 Galleries >> An ABC of Galway > V View of the Salmon Weir from the bridge
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V View of the Salmon Weir from the bridge

Nikon D300
1/500s f/10.0 at 30.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ann...31-Aug-2009 11:13
What lovely gardens. Not sure if I could stand there to watch the fish... it always looks such a struggle!
Marisa Livet30-Aug-2009 18:24
I like this photo for the richness of details, which balance well the grey clouds and the rather gloomy weather.
I like the little man on the left, which is like one of the characters we can see in Flemish paintings, examples of daily life activities, perfect to give a lively mood to a scene.
I like the touch of bright yellow too, flowers?
All in all it’s a very nice photo, together with the one of the arch my favourite in this series.
laine30-Aug-2009 00:49 lovely. Seems there are a few cloudy days in Galway.
Mairéad29-Aug-2009 22:22
A beautiful view (but what have you left for 'w'?)
Johnny JAG29-Aug-2009 19:10
Lovely view.