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Rich Griffith - Santa Cruz, CA | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Galapagos - April 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Galapagos - April 2009

Nature photos taken during a natural history expedition to the Galapagos Islands with Wilderness Travel in April 2009.
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Swallow-tailed Gull - Isla Seymour
Swallow-tailed Gull - Isla Seymour
Blue-footed Booby - Isla Seymour
Blue-footed Booby - Isla Seymour
Blue-footed Booby Egg - Isla Seymour
Blue-footed Booby Egg - Isla Seymour
Lava Lizard - Isla Seymour
Lava Lizard - Isla Seymour
Magnificent Frigatebird - Isla Seymour
Magnificent Frigatebird - Isla Seymour
Magnificent Frigatebird - Isla Seymour
Magnificent Frigatebird - Isla Seymour
Magnificent Frigatebirds - Isla Seymour
Magnificent Frigatebirds - Isla Seymour
Magnificent Frigatebirds - Isla Seymour
Magnificent Frigatebirds - Isla Seymour
Great Frigatebirds - Isla Seymour
Great Frigatebirds - Isla Seymour
Land Iguana - Isla Seymour
Land Iguana - Isla Seymour
Striped Galapagos Snake - Isla Seymour
Striped Galapagos Snake - Isla Seymour
Land Iguana - Isla Seymour
Land Iguana - Isla Seymour
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