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Mike Reshitnyk | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Paris to Kyiv/Rosheen CBC/Radio Canada Quebec City 50th Carnaval Concert tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Paris to Kyiv/Rosheen CBC/Radio Canada Quebec City 50th Carnaval Concert

This concert was a cross-cultural collaboration between CBC Radio, the French sister service, Radio-Canada, and the Carnaval de Québec, which celebrated its 50th anniversary of the modern era. The Carnaval's international country spotlighted this year was Ireland. Alexis Kochan's Paris to Kyiv's unique musical interlacing of Ukrainian and other cultures was the perfect choice for the match-up with Rosheen. Several of Paris to Kyiv's work's have a subtle Celtic flavour. Rosheen, coached by Julian Kytasty, integrated some of these songs for the performance. Both groups provided musical accompaniment for the popular local Shannon Irish Dancers. As part of the Carnaval's 50th anniversary celebrations, the famous Bonhomme Carnaval dropped by during the show to greet one and all.
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Alexis Kochan
Alexis Kochan
Shannon Irish Dancers
Shannon Irish Dancers
Paris to Kyiv & Rosheen
Paris to Kyiv & Rosheen
Julian Kytasty on Bandura
Julian Kytasty on Bandura
Shannon Irish Dancers
Shannon Irish Dancers
Alexis Kochan with CBC/Radio-Canada host Mario Paquet
Alexis Kochan with CBC/Radio-Canada host Mario Paquet
Paris to Kyiv
Paris to Kyiv
Martin Colledge on Northumbrian Pipes
Martin Colledge on Northumbrian Pipes
Richard Moody duels with Rosheen's Kattialine Painchaud
Richard Moody duels with Rosheen's Kattialine Painchaud
Julian Kytasty
Julian Kytasty
Alexis and Rosheen
Alexis and Rosheen
Shannon Irish Dancers
Shannon Irish Dancers
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