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Barri Olson | all galleries >> Archives 2004-2019 >> The Square Gallery > almost comets
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almost comets

Olympus C-8080WZ
1/800s f/5.0 at 15.8mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
George McCarten17-Sep-2011 06:59
Had to look at this for a second before realizing what it is. Well done!
Margot W08-Jul-2011 16:09
It takes your imagination away. Mountains, or pebbles. Wonderfully presented Barri.
Available Light Images09-Jan-2010 08:40
This one really stands out in an already superb gallery...
Meta22-Jul-2008 11:07
Wonderful presentation. V
Guest 07-Jul-2008 05:26
Absolutely beautiful. Faster than a speeding bolder. V