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06-SEP-2001 Best if viewed at original size


In WWII my dad served at a B-17 Bomber Base in Chelveston England. About five years ago we went out to our local airfield when the Sentimental Journey flew in. In this photo it was the first time he'd seen a B-17 since the war. It brought back a lot of memories to him...not all good. He told me of the day of the 2nd Schweinfurt raid, when they all waited as they always did, for their planes to return. Not one B-17 came back to their base. One crippled badly made it back to another field. He told me of two drunken mechanics who got in one of these, and decided to try and fly it back to the "States". They had all four of the engines revved up and ready to go, when they were caught, too drunk to figure out how to release the brakes. He told me when he saw two B-17's hook together above the field, and fly along like that for what he said seemed forever, untill one of them blew up, taking 20 young flyers the tailgunner on the lower one tried to parachute but was way too low to the ground. My dad was on the crash crew. Today some people see these planes fly into town and they don't know the stories father and many in his generation did. WWII veterans are Fading rapidly away. My Dad passed away in the spring of 2006, at nearly the age of 82 years.


When the comrades have departed,
When the veterans are no more,
When the bugle call is sounded,
On that everlasting shore.
When life's weary march is ended,
When the campfires slumber long,
Who will tell the world the story,
When the boys in blue are gone?

Who will tell about their marching
From Atlanta to the sea?
Who will halt and wait and listen,
When they hear the Reveille?
Who will Join to swell the chorus
Of some old grand army song?
Who will tell the world the story,
When the boys in blue are gone?

Sons and daughters of this nation,
You must tell of triumphs won.
When on earth our work is ended
And the veteran claims his own.
You must cherish Old Glory,
And its teaching pass along.
You must tell the world the story,
When the boys in blue are gone.

To that flag, our country's emblem,
You must pledge allegiance to.
To that flag, our country's emblem,
Your heart be ever true.
That the nation be protected,
Against injustice and all wrong.
You must tell. the world the story,
When the boys in blue are gone.

You must keep your country's honor,
And each stripe without a stain.
You must take the veterans' places
And repeat the roll of fame.
You must keep your country's honor,
And our flag above all wrong.
We will trust you with the story,
When the boys in blue are gone.

Written by John Hendricks. the last living veteran of Company H, 89th Indiana Infantry - U.S. Civil War.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ted31-Jan-2009 12:53
I am deeply touched by your photo and your dad's moving story. My father served in the infantry during the war and I have always been grateful to him and his generation for their sacrifices. Your posting has touched that place in my heart.
Guest 21-Feb-2008 22:52
Very moving! You must be very proud of your dad...
Guest 31-Oct-2007 12:20
Lovely bird.
Guest 28-Apr-2007 15:07
Incredible shot. My dad was one of 5 brothers all in WWII at various points, even before my Dad was in the army he worked wiring fighters and bombers and this kept him directly out of the war for a while. Fortunately all 5 brothers came back 'OK' one minus a leg. The two youngest brothers (twins) lied about their age to fight, one of whom drove a tank into Berlin as Germany fell. Now only my Dad and one of the twins remain. I'm sure my Dad will like to view this shot. Thanks for posting it.
Fabienne11-Jan-2007 22:16
the image processing is very nice.
xnir02-Jan-2007 15:21
Love it!
Yiannis Pavlis14-Dec-2006 13:19
Magnificent shot! Exquisite image and atmosphere! Vote!
Marc Demoulin04-Nov-2006 08:17
Outstanding historical picture Barri!