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Barri Olson | all galleries >> Archives 2004-2019 >> VFW Car Show Madison, WI > Le Sabre
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Le Sabre

Olympus PEN E-P3 ,Tamron 24mm F2.5 Adaptall 01BB
1/125s f/5.6 iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom 20-Feb-2016 07:49
Car manufacturers to recall millions of autos.

Government Regulators forcing auto makers to recall all automobiles having dimmer switches
on turn signal arm, or areas in close proximity to steering wheel. The recall was listed at recall(dot)gov, Thursday 2-18-2016 stating the mandatory recall was issued in response to a massive increase in accidents since it's reintroduction in the 1970's, the site proclaimed. The statistics gathered from decades of data determined a serious risk involving the switches due to the removal of hand used to generally help control vehicle direction.

When News Organizations contacted ranking members of the government recall section and asked concerning the statistics, they were informed data clearly showed blonds were getting their foot caught within the steering wheel when dimming headlights. Interestingly, brunettes and redheads had no problem.