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Mac Knight | profile | all galleries >> Mac's Birds >> waterfowl_and_shorebirds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Mallard Abstract
Mallard Abstract
Swan Couple
Swan Couple
geese flying at sunset
geese flying at sunset
black swan - Flamingo Hotel, Las_Vegas
black swan - Flamingo Hotel, Las_Vegas
penguin - Flamingo Hotel
penguin - Flamingo Hotel
American white pelican male in breeding plumage
American white pelican male in breeding plumage
American white pelican male swimming
American white pelican male swimming
White pelican flock
White pelican flock
white pelicans
white pelicans
great blue heron flying
great blue heron flying
great blue heron reflection
great blue heron reflection
great blue heron reflection 1
great blue heron reflection 1
black-necked stilt TNWR
black-necked stilt TNWR
black-necked stilt TNWR
black-necked stilt TNWR
black necked stilt TNWR
black necked stilt TNWR
sandhill cranes TNWR
sandhill cranes TNWR
black-necked stilt TNWR-2.
black-necked stilt TNWR-2.
black-necked stilt TNWR-3
black-necked stilt TNWR-3
black-necked stilt TNWR
black-necked stilt TNWR
semipalmated plover TNWR-1
semipalmated plover TNWR-1
semipalmated plover TNWR-2
semipalmated plover TNWR-2
semipalmated plover TNWR
semipalmated plover TNWR
black-necked stilt TNWR-4
black-necked stilt TNWR-4
cinnamon teal TNWR
cinnamon teal TNWR
gadwall TNWR
gadwall TNWR
Black neck stilt and phalarope
Black neck stilt and phalarope
Wilson's Phalarope
Wilson's Phalarope
Wilson's Phalarope
Wilson's Phalarope
Wilson's Phalarope Pair
Wilson's Phalarope Pair
long-billed dowitcher
long-billed dowitcher
long-billed dowitcher
long-billed dowitcher
Great Blue Heron Hunting College Place-1
Great Blue Heron Hunting College Place-1
Great Blue Heron Hunting College Place
Great Blue Heron Hunting College Place