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Macastat | all galleries >> Galleries >> MOVIE SHOOT: Philippines - Origins of My Blood > relic in the spring source
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26-JUN-2005 alm

relic in the spring source

Batangas, Philippines

-spider webs run across the image-

We visited this land, owned by my family on Day 1 of my visit. The land includes two natural springs. Immediately adjacent to this spring, the famous Filipino guerrilla patriot, and Macasaet descendant, Monsignor Macasaet Mendoza battled two Japanese officers in the latter days of WWII, eventually killing one.

As we were preparing to leave... I spotted an small white object within a rock shelve near the source of the water... I reached inside, after conjuring some courage (the recess was layered with spider webs and their makers)... I pulled out a imposing little plastic toy, maybe from an old Pez dispenser. It was sort of humero8us, but also symbolized to me a spirit that had been traveling with me for the last few months. One that ultimately led me to make this journey, and film with my brother, filmmaker David Macasaet. You'll see the "relic" as become know throughout this gallery, posing in many of the adventures we had in this origin of my blood.


Read more of my Journey - visit my Blog

Canon PowerShot SD20
1/60s f/2.8 at 6.4mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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