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Politicians & election campaigns

In Bonn zu leben hat seine Vorteile. Zum einen hat man die großartige Stadt Köln direkt vor der Haustür. Zum anderen tummeln sich während Wahlkampfzeiten zahlreiche Politiker von Rang und Namen in der ehemaligen Bundeshauptstadt. So haben sich auch während des laufenden Bundestagswahlkampfes wieder einige hochkarätige Gäste angekündigt, die ich nach Möglichkeit zu porträtieren versuche.

Die Auswahl der in dieser Gallerie porträtierten Politiker stellt natürlich keinerlei parteipolitisches Statement dar, sondern erlaubt lediglich Rückschlüsse auf die Wahlkampfveranstaltungen, die zu besuchen ich die Zeit gefunden habe. Sofern es mir zeitlich möglich ist, möchte ich versuchen, Spitzenpolitiker aller demokratischen Parteien abzulichten und in dieser Gallerie zu verewigen.

Living in Bonn has it's perks. First of all, you have the great city of Cologne right at your front door. Second of all, being the former capital, Bonn is crawling with political heavyweights during election campaigns. Of course, the current campaigns for the general elections in 2009 are no different: several top-ranking politicians have already announced a visit and I will try to portray as many of them as possible.

The range of politicians portrayed in this gallery is not to be understood as a political statement; it merely allows conclusions on what campaign events I found the time to visit. If I am able time-wise, I want to and will portray top-ranking politicians of all democratic parties.
The politician Jürgen Trittin (Green Party) in Bonn (Germany) The politician Jürgen Trittin (Green Party) in Bonn (Germany) The politician Jürgen Trittin (Green Party) in Bonn (Germany) g1/22/877322/3/116363659.3Ddkwc8i.jpg
g1/22/877322/3/116363660.EQEIL39j.jpg g1/22/877322/3/116363651.zJZiwLaf.jpg g1/22/877322/3/116363654.k76TIM9x.jpg g1/22/877322/3/116363657.Eol66X3H.jpg
The politician Guido Westerwelle (FDP) in Bonn g1/22/877322/3/117907348.9thkiq8x.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117907345.b5hhWdcG.jpg Guido Westerwelle (blurry, in the back) and his bodyguard
g1/22/877322/3/117907350.TDSWKKwJ.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117907351.BUafLfIa.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117907352.C32BE8AN.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117907349.e6VuEaUg.jpg
The politician Franz Müntefering (SPD) in Bonn (Germany) g1/22/877322/3/117312392.hUFdl2MS.jpg The politician Franz Müntefering g1/22/877322/3/117168347.1ny2e5iU.jpg
g1/22/877322/3/117168337.JYgFdCue.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117168343.hQTMKpmW.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117168346.y1TCJymj.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117168345.zgwA8tya.jpg
The politician Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) in Bonn (Germany) g1/22/877322/3/116363639.NMumXHMa.jpg g1/22/877322/3/116363647.6HAaar7U.jpg g1/22/877322/3/116363644.qkUPoozS.jpg
g1/22/877322/3/116363645.diP4PNBu.jpg g1/22/877322/3/116363648.3uGH8TYn.jpg g1/22/877322/3/116363649.vDu4Fjh6.jpg g1/22/877322/3/116363650.PpcdNLhc.jpg
The politician Renate Künast (Grüne) in Bonn g1/22/877322/3/117907342.EKk5gSov.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117907340.jU5JyTpV.jpg g1/22/877322/3/117907341.RM2YQHGc.jpg
The politician Jürgen Rüttgers (CDU) in Bonn (Germany) g1/22/877322/3/116509055.6FiH8ypb.jpg