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June 2004

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Two Months! Laura and Fabulosa.jpg
Two Months! Laura and Fabulosa.jpg
Brett and Julia, Sophia and Mike.jpg
Brett and Julia, Sophia and Mike.jpg
Born April 10 & April 9.jpg
Born April 10 & April 9.jpg
Father's Day June 20 2004 Week 10.jpg
Father's Day June 20 2004 Week 10.jpg
Father's Day June 20 2004 Week 10 020.jpg
Father's Day June 20 2004 Week 10 020.jpg
Nana and 8 Week-Old Sophia--Her First Restaurant.jpg
Nana and 8 Week-Old Sophia--Her First Restaurant.jpg
Why Are They So Happy....jpg
Why Are They So Happy....jpg
With Jerry and Arlene - June 2004.jpg
With Jerry and Arlene - June 2004.jpg
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