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LynnH | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2024 PaD > Backyard Butterfly
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04-Apr-2024 Lynn H

Backyard Butterfly

My Back Yard, Sugar Land Texas

I had a visitor.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Doug Cruden03-May-2024 18:14
You did well to capture this little's very colourful!
larose forest photos16-Apr-2024 00:21
What a beauty!!You got an excellent shot of this butterfly against a pretty plant. V
Don Mottershead15-Apr-2024 23:34
Love the composition.
Charlene Ambrose15-Apr-2024 07:37
A very colorful visitor! V
Mairéad14-Apr-2024 20:44
A lovely shot of your visitor. V
laine14-Apr-2024 01:05
Perfect details Lynn. I like the white edge on the wings. V
Nick Paoni13-Apr-2024 22:15
Love how it stands out in the frame with that lovely orange color.
Julie Oldfield13-Apr-2024 20:42
What a delightful visitor! V
Wintermeer13-Apr-2024 17:47
Absolutely stunning! ~V~
Liz Bickel13-Apr-2024 10:01
How pretty on your succulent.
Helen Betts13-Apr-2024 03:58
Great shot of this beautiful butterfly. V.
joseantonio13-Apr-2024 03:22
lovely contrast of colors.V.
Donna Hollinger13-Apr-2024 02:39
I think that's a comma butterfly.
waterfalls man13-Apr-2024 02:06
Lovely Capture V