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LynnH | all galleries >> GALVESTON ISLAND, TX ~ GALLERIES >> Galveston Island Architecture > 1212 Winnie St
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13-Jul-2022 Lynn H

1212 Winnie St

Galveston Island. Texas

A photo from my car window. Not a real old house, built in 1965. But the pretty garden caught my eye. And I love the paint colors!

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Dennis Hoyne23-Jul-2022 03:06
What a neat design, it does hav the appearance of a much older home, beautiful colors and front yard.
Marcia Rules16-Jul-2022 19:01
Lovely home and surroundings. Very specific of this locale! VV~
Walter Otto Koenig16-Jul-2022 18:07
Beautiful old home. I like the vegetation and framing. "V"
Julie Oldfield16-Jul-2022 17:02
A very striking image. The framing is nice. Fascinating shades of green. V
Apostolos Tikopoulos16-Jul-2022 15:32
A nice garden around this beautiful house. V
Helen Betts16-Jul-2022 13:18
Even if relatively new, it still has a pleasing old-time look. V.
Graeme16-Jul-2022 12:01
Nice house with a stocked garden, Lynn.V
Tom LeRoy16-Jul-2022 08:00
A neat well designed and kept house . Nice shot. V
Charlene Ambrose16-Jul-2022 05:12
It is a very charming and colorful house!
globalgadabout16-Jul-2022 05:01
looks like some heat tolerant plants in that well stocked garden...yes they had fun with the house colours...sweet shot..
joseantonio16-Jul-2022 04:28
a lovely garden to decorate that beautiful house.V.