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LynnH | all galleries >> GALVESTON ISLAND, TX ~ GALLERIES >> Gallery - On the Water > Stolt Ilex
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29-Jun-2022 Lynn H

Stolt Ilex

Galveston Island. Texas

Ships waiting to come or go from the port. Lately, there are 20 or more at a time.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan Greenberg16-Jul-2022 03:14
This is the same thing we saw in Oregon on our recent trip with many ships out on the water patiently waiting to dock in Portland or wherever. Excellent comp and capture. ~BV~
Julie Oldfield15-Jul-2022 00:32
This is composed superbly. V
Nick Paoni14-Jul-2022 03:29
Love how you composed the frame.
Helen Betts13-Jul-2022 17:08
Nicely composed capture, and it sounds like a busy port. V.
globalgadabout13-Jul-2022 15:50
it's encouraging to see that goods and commodities are on the move eye-attractive image, and a familiar scene up here too..
Irene Wehrli13-Jul-2022 15:35
Such a vehicle I will never see in my aera...
It's a beauty - good shot, Lynn!
joseantonio13-Jul-2022 15:03
nice mood and capture.V.
Walter Otto Koenig13-Jul-2022 14:38
Cool perspective of these cargo ships outside port. "V"