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LynnH | all galleries >> CAR SHOW GALLERIES... >> COFFEE & CARS MONTHLY > Aston Martin
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04-AUG-2012 LynnH

Aston Martin

Houston, TX

Sony DSLR-A700
1/800s f/4.0 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Frank Brault02-Feb-2013 00:37
A gorgeous car and image. Love the point of view. V
Tom LeRoy01-Feb-2013 17:18
A marvelous car and capture, love this black beauty. V
Wajih01-Feb-2013 16:52
Walter Otto Koenig01-Feb-2013 15:41
Nice car. Beautiful styling on this.
Stephanie01-Feb-2013 13:07
Sweet car! :)
Mike H.01-Feb-2013 05:13
It's always great to be there when the show cars arrive --
to hear their engines run. Beautiful, sleek car and fine capture of it!